Central Illinois
Orchid Society Grow Your Passion

About Us
Central Illinois Orchid Society was founded in 1958 in Champaign, Illinois. We are a diverse group of people interested in growing and/or enjoying orchids. We welcome anyone to attend our meetings and events, whether you have never grown an orchid or you are an experienced grower.

Upcoming Events
April 14:
Orchid Show and Tell and Review of "India Blooms" Orchid Show (Missouri Botanical Garden). Bring your blooming or interesting orchids to show the group, share some tips and secrets, show us your plants that you bought at our sale! This evening is all about members sharing with each other. We'll also watch a slideshow of scenes from "India Blooms." 6:30 P.M. at Hessel Park Church, 700 W. Kirby, Champaign.
May 12:
Judging Orchids. Have you ever wondered what distinguishes one orchid as "award-winning" compared to others of the same type? What sets them apart? What criteria are used? Don White from Anything Orchids will join us to demystify the judging process. As an added bonus, he's also bringing plants that we can purchase! 6:30 P.M. at Hessel Park Church, 700 W. Kirby, Champaign.

We invite you to join the Central Illinois Orchid Society. Annual membership is only $30 for the first member and $50 for a couple. Click here for a printable form. Please mail your completed form and check as directed on the form, or bring your completed form and payment to our next meeting. Come grow with us! Hope to see you soon.